
When it comes to Baltimore’s future, our children will always be the most valuable investment we can make. Of course, that investment is made up in large part by properly funding Baltimore City Schools, which the City relies heavily on the State of Maryland for. Antonio will fight to get City Schools its fair share of funding, and to make sure the Kirwan Commission creates a funding formula that accounts for the higher cost of education the City faces because so many of its students come from under-served communities.

Spending our funding properly means looking at proven programs that get results. Expanding Pre-K education to more Baltimore children can significantly reduce long-term achievement gaps between students. Embracing the community school model leads to two-fold benefits, because the model leverages community participation in the school to expand the resources at students’ disposal, while using the school as an anchor for community organizing in the surrounding neighborhoods. As students age, it is important to offer programming for building professional skills that will translate into the job market, which makes youth-employment programs extremely valuable.

Beyond advocating for funding, Antonio will use the office of State Senator to organize anchor institutions around nearby schools that can benefit from the resources they provide. Baltimore is filled with points of strength; we need leaders who will leverage our strengths to support the next generation.
